How to Make Acai Bowl

How to Make Acai Bowl: A Complete Guide

How to Make Acai Bowl: A Complete Guide

Did you know that the Amazon’s indigenous population in Brazil has been enjoying the benefits of acai berries for hundreds of years? It was unknown outside Brazil until the twenty-first century.

Their popularity has since spread far and wide. And It’s no wonder! They’re supremely healthy and delicious to boot.

If you’re on Instagram, you definitely would’ve seen an acai bowl or two. No one can deny how photogenic they are. Well, these beautiful creations can be prepared from the comfort of your own home very easily.

Continue reading, and you can learn how to make an acai bowl at home.

What is Acai?

Acai berries, native to Brazil’s Amazon rainforest, are harvested from acai palm trees twice a year. But that’s no easy task. Some of these trees grow to up to 60 feet tall and locals pick the berries by hand.

The small purple fruit measures about the size of a small grape. Its seed constitutes approximately 80 percent of the acai berry, but the edible flesh and skin are packed full of health benefits in the remaining 20 percent.

The berries, also known as purple gold, are highly perishable, so fresh acai is only available near the plantations.

Acai has long been a chief food ingredient among Brazil’s indigenous people but rose to fame globally after appearing on The Oprah Winfrey Show in 2008. It has been dubbed a superfood because of its amazing health benefits.

Due to its low level of sugar, acai is an excellent choice for people with diabetes. It is also incredibly rich in vitamins and minerals. The health benefits are endless!

The Amazing Health Benefits of Acai

Acai has become a sensation thanks to its long list of health benefits. However, some claims, such as regarding its ability to promote rapid weight loss, lack sufficient evidence.

Let’s look at a few acai bowl advantages.

Packed Full of Antioxidants

Acai berries contain a considerable amount more antioxidants than any other commonly eaten berries. These valuable antioxidants can help keep your colon and digestive system in good health, while also protecting cells from damage.

Extremely Nutritious

They might be small, but it’s remarkable how loaded these delicious berries are with vitamins, minerals, fiber, protein, and healthy fats. They are also a good source of vitamin A and vitamin C, amino acids, calcium, and magnesium.

Other Acai Health Claims

The Amazonian berry can keep your skin healthy and reduce the appearance of aging. Acai can also reportedly boost your brain function, lower your cholesterol, and relieve joint pain for people who suffer from arthritis. And, on top of all that, various studies allude to its anti-cancer properties.

How to Make An Acai Bowl

Perhaps you’ve enjoyed one in a cafe, and now you want to know how to make an acai bowl at home. Well, you’ve come to the right place.

It’s remarkably simple and takes a mere matter of minutes to create. For the ideal thicker texture, freeze the fruit in advance and use a high-powered blender to create the puree.

Blend 100g of acai with 1/2 cup of frozen banana slices, 1/2 cup frozen blueberries, and 1/2 cup of frozen strawberries. Add 1/2 cup of apple juice with no added sugar (or almond milk) and blend it into a delicious and refreshing thick puree.

Then, pour it into a bowl and add any of your favorite toppings. We love decorating our acai bowl with fresh fruit, chia seeds, cacao nibs, toasted coconut flakes, honey, and granola. It’s 100 percent vegan if you leave out the honey.

A word of warning: You may have to restrain yourself from clicking a photo and posting it on social media.

And that, ladies and gentlemen, is your five-star acai bowl recipe. Easy-peasy.

Can I Make Alterations To The Recipe?

Of course. Tweak it as you see fit. Acai is the single ingredient that must be included if you are intent on preparing an acai bowl.

You can swap the apple juice out for any fruit juice you prefer. Coconut water or almond milk would also work well if you’re out of fruit juice.

Don’t be shy to get creative with whatever fruits or berries you want to include. And toppings are optional but highly recommended.

Where To Get Your Acai?

Owing to its rise in popularity, acai has become readily available in many different forms. You can buy it dried, frozen, as a powder, as juice, in food products, and in tablet form.

Acai berries spoil quickly and, if you’re going to be making acai bowls, we recommend buying them in frozen form.

Here at Nativo Acai, our organic acai berries are wild-harvested by natives along the riverbanks of the Amazon Rainforest in Brazil. We are careful to buy from pre-approved co-ops which adhere to government regulations. Plus, you won’t find any additives or preservatives in our products.

What Does Acai Taste Like?

If you’ve ever tried an acai bowl before, you know just how delicious they are. The berry is not sweet. It could be described as slightly tart with earthy undertones.

Unfortunately, you can’t enjoy the delicious, natural flavors of an acai bowl by simply reading this blog. Go and make one for yourself!

What Are You Waiting For?

Now you’ve got a fantastic acai bowl recipe and you know all about the amazing health benefits. It’s time to reap those benefits for yourself.

This Brazilian berry is incredibly nutritious and it’s easy to incorporate these beautiful acai bowls into your meal schedule. It can be a fruity, refreshing breakfast or a cool mid-afternoon snack.

Is your acai obsession still not satisfied? Visit this blog post if you want to learn how to make drinks and cocktails using acai.

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